Rivets are a great tool for any DIY. But it is frustrating if it doesn’t break off when you need it the most.
So, you may be wondering why are your rivets not breaking?
One of the common reasons why rivets aren’t breaking is misalignment. You may be placing the rivets wrongly to the rivet gun. Because of the loose rivet attachment, your rivets aren’t breaking. Also, broken rivet guns can be another reason behind such problems. Because it cannot function properly.
Such problems need extensive troubleshooting. To sort everything out for you, we have gone through everything.
Let’s get started.
Why Is Your Rivets Not Breaking: 4 Common Reasons
Rivets are long-lasting and cost-effective fastening mechanisms that are especially suitable for shear pressure, although they can also withstand tension pressure.
But, you may face the common issue of rivets remaining unbroken. Well, most of the DIYers have been there once in a while. Similarly, your planer might not pull wood through at times, making it a common issue.
So, what is the reason behind rivets not working? Well, let’s see 3 common reasons behind it.
Reasons | Solution |
Misalignment | Realign correctly |
Broken Rivet Gun | Get a new Rivet gun |
Bad Rivets | Use appropriate rivets |
Problem 1 of 3 Misalignment
Rivets work as a joint between two or more materials. So, it has to be perfectly placed. But, you have been misaligning the rivets with those materials. Thus, your rivets are not breaking off as you had been expecting.
Problem 2 of 3 Broken Rivet Gun
Rivet gun or Riveter being broken is a major issue. The broken rivet gun cannot function properly. For which it cannot break off riveters. Also, it causes wastage of riveters, which most of us DIYers hate to see, right?
Problem 3 of 3 Bad Rivets
Rivets are made of either steel or aluminum. However, some rivets were not made properly. And sadly, you may have got a batch almost full of bad rivets. This makes rivets not break properly.
These all can be the reasons why your rivets are not breaking off. However, we need to go deeper and find solutions to the problems.
At any point in your projects, any tools can cause problems. Troubleshooting those problems are necessary before you impulsively try out new tools. Just like troubleshooting Ridgid 535 pipe threader
Let’s jump to the next section for troubleshooting the issue.
Rivets aren’t Breaking Off: Troubleshooting
Rivets are your most essential component. It holds multiple materials better than screws or bolts. But, if your rivets aren’t breaking, then it is useless.
Nevertheless, we’re here for you. We have provided solutions for each problem behind your rivets guns not breaking off.
Let’s see all the solutions for each problem below.
Troubleshooting 1 of 3 Misalignment
At any point in a DIY project, misalignment can happen. Whether it’s a drilling machine or placing nails in the wood, it is very common. In the case of rivets, the issue can happen too.
The issue arises when you hold the rivet gun too vertically or horizontally. This makes the rivets wiggle around. Thus, your rivet guns cannot apply pressure centrally.
Let’s see the easy solutions behind it.
Firstly, when you punch rivets using a rivet gun, make sure to hold it tightly. Try to keep the gun between 90° to 120°.
Then make sure the two surfaces are correctly placed. If they are not placed correctly, rivets cannot pierce through those surfaces.
Lastly, rivets should be aligned straightly to rivet guns. Otherwise, rivet guns cannot apply pressure adequately.
Troubleshooting 2 of 3 Broken Rivet Gun
Application of Rivet guns is very important in using rivets. However, your rivet guns can be broken. It can happen because of several reasons.
Firstly, your rivet gun is defective from the date of being produced. This is just sheer bad luck for you.
Secondly, grease can cause your rivet gun not to function properly.
Lastly, excessive dust or debris can cause your rivet gun to break down.
The solution to the problem is given below.
If your rivet gun is not functioning properly from the first, it is defective. Nevertheless, defective rivet guns can easily be replaced if you have a warranty. Yet, we recommend you Arrow RT200MKIT or Astro Pneumatic Tool.
Secondly, grease can break your rivet gun down. But, don’t worry. Remove the grease using baking soda and hot water to clean that up. Apply baking soda to the greasy part and leave it for an hour. Then wash it with hot water. This will do the trick.
Lastly, if dust or debris is accumulated in your rivet gun, it will get broken. However, by cleaning up the dust, your broken rivet shaft can be fixed. Using dust-off disposable compressed gas, you can easily clean each part of your rivet gun.
Troubleshooting 3 of 3 Bad Rivets
Rivets made out of bad material or under improper condition cannot be broken off. It happens cause either the rivet is stronger than usual, or it’s too flexible. Either way, your rivet gun won’t be able to break it.
The easiest solution for this is given below.
We have mentioned before that steel or aluminum is the main component of rivets. For projects like steel bookshelf, hinges, pipework, etc. steel rivets are used. And as aluminum is lighter, it is used in vehicles, aircraft automotives, or boats.
So, make sure to use each rivet in each project. We recommend the Snug fastener for steel rivets. And, the Ispinner for aluminum rivets.
That’s all about troubleshooting the problem. While using rivet guns be careful. Because it can cause health hazards like hand pain.
Riveter Breaking Rivets Too Early: Reasons And Solution
When a riveter is breaking rivets too early, there can be several reasons for this issue. Here are some possible causes and solutions:
- Misalignment: Placing the rivets wrongly in the rivet gun can cause misalignment, leading to the premature breaking of rivets. Ensure that the rivets are properly aligned with the rivet gun before applying pressure.
Solution: Double-check the alignment of the rivets in the rivet gun to ensure they are properly positioned before applying pressure. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper alignment.
- Bad rivet gun or rivets: A faulty rivet gun or a bad batch/brand of rivets can also contribute to the issue of early rivet breakage.
Solution: Check the condition of the rivet gun. If it is damaged or malfunctioning, consider repairing or replacing it. Additionally, try using a different brand or batch of rivets to see if the issue persists.
- Incorrect technique: Improper technique, such as not holding the rivet gun straight up and down, can cause premature rivet breakage.
Solution: Ensure that the rivet gun is held straight up and down during the riveting process. This helps to distribute the force evenly and prevent early breakage.
- High air pressure: If the air pressure is set too high, it can cause excessive force on the rivets, leading to early breakage.
Solution: Adjust the air pressure to an appropriate level. It is recommended to practice on a spare piece of material to find the right pressure before working on the actual project.
- Loose or damaged rivets: Loose rivets can also contribute to premature breakage. Improper installation, corrosion, or weakening of the material around the fastener can cause rivets to become loose.
Solution: If you encounter loose rivets, inspect the installation and surrounding material. If necessary, repair or replace the rivets to ensure a secure and tight connection.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Is It Possible to Rivet into a Blind Divot?
Yes, it is possible to rivet into a blind divot. Divot rivets can be installed in a machined slot. Thus, you can rivet it into a blind divot.
Are Rivets Free to Turn?
No, rivets are not typically free to turn once they are installed. Rivets are fasteners that are used to join two or more materials together permanently. They are designed to provide a secure and permanent connection.
What is the Most Robust Rivet?
The strongest rivets are stainless steel blind rivets. It is composed of stainless steel of the ISO 304 standard. They provide a strong and long-lasting connection.
That’s all about the issue of rivets not breaking off. Hope the article will help you and you can go back to DIY projects.
Try using quality rivets to avoid such problems in the future. Take necessary precautionary measures before going through the troubleshooting.
Have a great day!

Robert S. Dehner is an experienced content writer at Power Tool Institute. He has a wealth of experience in the field and is committed to providing you with up-to-date information and advice on the effective and safe use of power tools.
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