DeWalt drills are regarded as the pioneers of carefully crafted cordless drills. They revolutionized the concept of cordless power tools. However, we understand that some of their accessories like the LED lights may not be for everyone.
As an expert with years of experience in this field, I’ll elaborate on how the lights can be turned off in 3 methods. In this article, I explain in detail with easy steps the methods you can solve this problem.
So, how to turn off the light on the DeWalt cordless drill?
You can choose to wait it out. DeWalt drills have a 20-second policy and it should turn off after the aforesaid time frame. If it doesn’t turn off, the fail-safe will turn it off after 5 minutes of idle time. You can choose to take off the battery immediately after use to cut power to the lights.
But this is merely an abridged version of the entire concept of the Dewalt system. If you wish to know about the process in detail read along. I have written an article detailing the procedure from top to bottom.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s delve right into it!
3 Methods How to Turn off Light on Dewalt Drill

This American Brand DeWalt introduced 30 new cordless models to kickstart their revolution. They’ve stood out in terms of utility, durability, and reliability.
However, the lights staying on after use can be a nuisance for some users.
Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. I’ve curated three methods to help you out of your problem. So, without further ado, let’s deeply dive into these 3 methods!
Method 1: Waiting it Out
There are actually two situations to which this step applies. I’ll be covering both the steps below. Let’s take a look.
Situation 1
Dewalt Drills are designed to turn on the LED lights when the trigger switch is depressed. The lights can vary. For example, the brushless DeWalt 20v drill has 3 lights. Other models have a single LED light system.
These lights stay on as long as the trigger is pressed. Even after the trigger switch is released, newer DeWalt drill machines have a 20-second policy. So, the lights stay for 20 seconds after use.
So, the first way Dewalt drill lights can be turned off is by waiting. They should automatically turn off after a while.
Situation 2
Another issue is commonly faced by some DeWalt cordless drill machines like the DCF866. The lights in the DeWalt 20VMAX XR Impact (DCF866) would stay on after use. After sitting idly for 5 minutes, the lights would go off.
The problem is that after the lights would go off, the drill would not work anymore. The drill would be unresponsive to the trigger switch.
This is because of the fail-safe system integrated into the drill. After five minutes of idle time, the fail-safe activates to save power. You need to take out the batteries and wait for 30 seconds. This resets the drill and you can use it again.
Method 2: Taking Out The Batteries

I’ve covered the automatic lights-off policy in the last method. The problems arise when the lights do not turn off. So many claims have come out reporting DeWalt drill light won’t turn off. People also worry about how good DeWalt’s hand tools are.
This is a technical or an electrical issue. It could be a stuck internal switch or the trigger switch may be unable to reset the light. Dewalt 20v drill light won’t turn off is a more common problem amongst DeWalt drills.
What you can choose to do – forward a warranty claim. Just apply for a DeWalt online repair claim. DeWalt will fix this problem themselves if a warranty covers your drill.
So, to fix this, the easiest solution is to simply take out the batteries. This is essentially cutting off the power source and turning the lights off.
This is a big hassle as you have to remove the batteries after every use. Over time, it does become a habit and makes things much easier. This is the fastest and easiest solution to this problem.
So, if you don’t want to wait for the fail-safe, take out the batteries after use.
Method 3: Permanently Turning off The Light

Now, most people want to turn off the light because they don’t need it. Sometimes, users also worry about energy consumption.
If you do not need it or want it, I respect that. But, if you’re concerned about energy consumption, don’t be. The light does not use up enough energy to deplete significant battery life. So, you can leave it alone without worrying.
Having said so, if it does not provide value to you, there is a permanent solution. Unfortunately, there is no button to do so. You can only turn the light off in Makita drills. As for DeWalt drills, you have to do so manually.
Your drill will have about 8 to 10 screws. Unscrew them and follow the pigtail from the lights to the harness. Now, unplug, and Voila! The lights won’t be turning off the next time you pull the drill’s trigger.
This process also applies to other drills that use lights. Of course, you can put it back on by just reverting the change whenever it’s necessary.
Voila! These are all the recommended ways to turn off DeWalt drill LED lights.
Is it OK to leave LED lights on all day?
This is another question that many people may have. I can assure you that the lights can be left on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They last extremely long and are relatively safe due to their very low chance of overheating. On average, LED bulbs last between 35,000 and 50,000 hours. LED bulbs convert about 90 percent of energy into light and 10 percent into heat. So, don’t worry if the lights are on all the time.
Can DeWalt batteries be registered for an extended warranty?
Fortunately, your DeWalt batteries CAN be registered for an extended warranty. You receive a three-extended warranty with your compact power stack batteries. This is, however, subject to registration. You can register your battery on the DeWalt website. Look for the My DeWalt section.
Where can I file my DeWalt online repair claim?
You can apply for this claim warranty on Dewalt’s dedicated website But remember that this does not apply to accessories and chargers. They do not qualify for this repair. Large tools like mowers also aren’t eligible for this repair. Only inhabitants of the USA can take advantage of this claim.
What to do if you want to report fake websites?
Many scam websites are posing to be the official Dewalt website. These sites provide extremely lucrative deals but fake products. The purpose of these websites is to get your credit card credentials.
If you see such a website please request an investigation over at the Dewalt support website.
Why does my light stay on my Dewalt drill?
If the light is acting consistently with both batteries then we need to make sure your battery charger is working. Do you have a different Dewalt tool that you plug a battery into and confirm that the tool runs well and strong with those batteries installed?
Final Thoughts
And with that, I’ve reached the end of our discussion. That is all we had on ‘How to turn off lights on DeWalt drill’.
I hope this article has provided some clarity to your query. If you found this article interesting, browse through the others. Also, I encourage you to write in comments about your experience and how you solve this problem.
Until then, take care of yourself, and of course, your DeWalt drills.
Best of luck!

Robert S. Dehner is an experienced content writer at Power Tool Institute. He has a wealth of experience in the field and is committed to providing you with up-to-date information and advice on the effective and safe use of power tools.